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What Is Organic Search in Google Analytics

08/25/2022 12:00 AM by Admin in Google

Some of the terminology you see in your Google Analytics account may be unfamiliar. If you're new to Google Analytics or digital marketing in general, you may be confused by the abundance of indicators available via the platform. The word "organic search" is one example.


Nothing to do with pesticide-free produce; rather, it's a reference to one of the web's most popular features: search engines. Read on to find out what organic search is, why it matters, where to discover organic search statistics in Google Analytics, and how to boost your site's organic traffic. Finally, do you need additional visitors from search engines? Give us your URL to see what we think of it.


What is "organic search" in Google Analytics?

Google Analytics classifies "organic search" as a source of traffic, or a channel via which visitors reach your site. "Organic search results" are the results shown by search engines that are not sponsored by a third party.


It excludes sponsored content from search engine results pages (SERPs), such as text advertisements and Google Shopping ads.


A natural search results page is not available for purchase. These results are ranked by Google and other search engines based on a variety of criteria, including quality and relevancy to the user's search.


What follows is a screenshot of a Google search engine results page (SERP), showing both organic results and sponsored ads.


It's true that Google is the most well-known search engine, but it's far from the only one. An organic traffic source is one that Google Analyticstracks. Google Analytics records clicks from certain search engines, such as


  1. Google
  2. Bing
  3. Yahoo
  4. Baidu
  5. DuckDuckGo

In Google Analytics, the list of search engines utilized for each property may be modified in the Admin settings.


Google Analytics's Additional Sources of Traffic

Even though we'll be focused on organic traffic in this piece, it's also instructive to have a basic understanding of Google Analytics's other traffic sources. Besides these main sources, further traffic might also come from:


  • Paid search: What we mean by "paid search" is web traffic that comes from advertisements placed on search engine results pages.
  • Direct: Visitors that enter your website's URL manually are considered direct visitors.
  • Referral: It refers to people who find your site via a link from another site.
  • Social: Website Views Generated Via Social Media
  • Display: Traffic from banner ads and other display advertisements
  • Email: Click-throughs generated via promotional email links

Using Google Analytics to track organic search traffic

When doing research in Google Analytics, how do you go about looking at the information for organic searches? Google Analytics provides some basic information about your traffic sources on the main page when you log in and pick your chosen site and view. This information is graphically shown in a section titled "How do you gain users?" Clicking the "Acquisition Report" button in the graph's lower right corner will reveal further information.


In addition to selecting "Acquisition" and then "Overview" in the left-hand menu, you can also directly access this acquisition report by clicking here. Your top traffic channels and other relevant information may be seen in the Acquisition Overview report. Google Analytics's acquisition


overview report Select "Campaigns" from the "Acquisition" menu to get information about your site's free, organic search traffic.


Pick the option labeled "Organic Keywords."


At the very bottom of the page devoted to organic keywords is a chart displaying the most popular search terms that led people to your website. Altering the 'Primary Dimension' will provide more information, such as the top search engines that led visitors to your site and the most popular landing pages. Google Analytics Organic Search Source/Targeting GraphThe flexibility to modify the report's timeframe is also quite useful.


It's in the upper right corner of the screen where you may make this change.


How to Modify Reporting Periods in Google Analytics


To what extent does organic search traffic matter?

To be successful with digital and inbound marketing, organic search is crucial. It's important for modern organizations and websites to use Google Analytics to track their organic search traffic and discover ways to increase it. Why is traffic from natural searches so valuable?


1. Your clients employ search engines

The use of search engines to locate specific content is a common practice on the web. More than half of all clicks on websites come from organic search results.


2. Your rivals are enhancing their search engine rankings.

It's possible that some of your rivals already have a stronger online profile than you do, even if you yourself don't. If your rivals outrank you in search results, you're losing potential customers. Even if you make it to the second or third page for your target keywords, you're probably missing out on a lot of potential visitors. It is crucial to optimize your site to boost your rankings since 75% of search engine visitors don't go beyond the first page of results.


3. The organic traffic is really qualified.

Search engine optimization (SEO) sends you people who are actively looking for your content, brand, or offerings. When a user engages with one of your company's organic search results, they are doing it because they are looking for the information or service you provide.


4. Having a high position in organic search results increases your trustworthiness.

If your site appears high in search results, consumers may have greater faith in it. While anybody may pay to be included in sponsored search results, organic search results are earned via the creation of high-quality content.


5. Gaining free, organic search engine traffic is a cost-effective alternative.

Because organic search results do not need payment to be shown, digital marketing strategies that prioritize organic traffic are more frugal. Investing in search engine optimization (SEO) services and the effort it takes to optimize your site will pay off in the long run. Pages that have been optimized for search engines may continue bringing in organic traffic long after they have been created, unlike ads, which only bring in visitors while you are paying for ad space.


Strategies for boosting site visits from natural search results

How can you improve your rankings in search engines and thereby get more visitors? SEO, or search engine optimization, is the correct response. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a broad concept that entails improving your website so that it ranks higher in search engines for relevant keywords and attracts more quality organic traffic.


Search engine optimization (SEO) makes use of many different methods, some of the more prominent ones being:



Increase the quality of your organic traffic by finding out what your target audience is looking for (via keyword research). Next, you may write articles on such subjects while weaving your keywords organically and intelligently into the content.



Backlinks, or connections from other sites to yours, are also an essential part of search engine optimization. If you can get connections to your site from other, more established sites, Google will see it as more credible and may boost your ranking. Among other strategies, you may increase the number of backlinks pointing to your site by requesting links from bloggers and other publications and by producing content that is so compelling that others will want to connect to it on their own.


Quickness of the page

In general, people want your site to load fast. In such a case, they may not bother waiting for it. Page load times are another factor taken into account by Google when determining search engine rankings.


You can find out how fast your website loads using Google's free PageSpeed Insights tool. The three criteria I've mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the many SEO strategies that may boost your site's position in search results. While it is possible to enhance your SEO by doing your own research and making minor adjustments, a professional SEO service will provide the best results.

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