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The Google Search Console The Definitive Resource for SEO Experts

09/07/2022 12:00 AM by Admin in Google


Learn how to use Google Search Console to enhance the visibility of your site in search results.


Google's Search Console is the only place you can get the data you need to track your site's search performance and boost its organic search rankings.


As a result, it is crucial for every internet company or publication that cares about growth.


Google Search Console: What Is It?

A free online tool maintained by Google, Google Search Console allows publishers and search marketing experts to track their sites' health and performance in relation to Google search.


To aid publishers in making their sites better and more traffic-generating, it provides an overview of search performance and user experience indicators.


If Google finds a security problem (such as a hacking vulnerability) or if the search quality team implements a human action penalty, they may notify you using the Search Console.


Notable characteristics:


  • Be sure to keep an eye on the indexing and crawling processes.
  • Find the problems and resolve them.
  • An examination of overall search efficiency
  • You should ask that the revised pages be included in the search engine's index.
  • Examine all internal and external connections.


The Search Console is not a ranking component and is not required to improve search engine rankings.


The Search Console is an invaluable tool for optimizing a website's visibility in search results and increasing its visitor count.


Starting Out: The Basics

In order to use Search Console, you must first authenticate ownership of your site.


Whether you're validating a website, a domain, a Google site, or a Blogger-hosted site, Google offers a variety of options.


Google instantly verifies each domain that is registered using their service by adding it to the Search Console.


Most people will use one of these four techniques to check the legitimacy of their websites:


  1. Put up a file in HTML format.
  2. The Meta Tag
  3. Installing the tracking code for Google Analytics
  4. Manager of Google Tags.


When it comes to what may be uploaded to a website, certain hosting services have strict guidelines and need a unique method of verifying site owners.


However, this is becoming less of a problem since many hosted site providers include a straightforward verification procedure, which will be discussed more below.


Methods for Confirming Property Rights

When dealing with a conventional website, such as a basic WordPress site, there are two common methods for establishing ownership.


  1. Put up a file in HTML format.
  2. A meta tag.


Both of these options include the URL-prefix properties approach to authenticating a site.


Let's just admit right now that the term "URL-prefix properties" means nothing to anybody besides the Google employee who coined it.


Don't feel like you're walking into a maze without a map. A website's authenticity may be quickly and easily confirmed by Google.


Uploading Documents Using HTML

Step 1: Go over to the Search Console, and from any page, choose Property Selector from the menu that appears in the upper left.


Step 2: In the Select Property Type window that opens, type in the address of the site and hit the Continue button.


Step 3: This step is to choose to upload your file in HTML format and then to download it.


Keyword Hero's hidden (not given) content

View the performance numbers for each organic keyword used in GA. Test it out on us, on the house. You may cancel at any time!Assistance from qualified individuals ready to go in four minutes.


Step 4: The fourth step is to place the HTML file in your website's root folder.


To go to the root, you would enter: https://example.com/. If the file you've downloaded is named verification.html, then the location of the file you upload should be https://example.com/verification.html.


Step 1: Click Verify once more in the Search Console to complete the verification process.


Similar procedures are required to verify a normal website with its own domain on website systems like Wix and Weebly, with the addition of a meta description element for Wix sites.


Using a Search Console App, which can be verified in a few clicks, Duda makes it easy for its customers to get up and running.


Fixing Things With GSC

Google's capacity to crawl and index websites is crucial to their placement in search results.


Before a problem with crawling and indexing causes sites to disappear from search results, the Search Console URL Inspection Tool will send a warning.


Link Analysis Software:

The URL checker displays whether or not a given URL has been indexed and may thus be shown in a search engine's results.


Users have the following options for each supplied URL:


  1. Having a newly updated website indexed is something you can ask for.
  2. Examine how Google found the page (sitemaps and referring internal pages).
  3. You can see when a URL was last crawled.
  4. The first step is to see whether Google is really utilizing the canonical URL you've defined.
  5. Be sure to verify the accessibility on mobile devices.
  6. Features like breadcrumbs should be double checked.



The sections discussed are: Discovery (how Google found the URL), Crawl (whether or not Google successfully crawled the URL and why), and Enhancements (which provides the status of structured data).


From the options on the left, choose Coverage.


Reports of Inadequate Coverage

Although they are classified as error reports, this does not always indicate a problem. Improved indexing may be all that's needed in some cases.


To give you an idea, in the accompanying snapshot, Google displays a 403 Forbidden server response for approximately 6,000 URLs.


When a server returns a 403 error, it's informing Googlebot it can't crawl the specified URLs.


The aforementioned problems are occurring because Googlebot is unable to access the forum's member area.


Each forum participant has their own profile page, which displays their post history and other data.


The error-causing URLs are included in the report.


A right-hand menu appears when you click on any of the hyperlinked URLs, giving you the ability to examine the specific link that has been compromised.


In addition to the context menu to the right of the URL itself in the shape of a magnifying glass icon, you can also access Inspect URL from this area.


When you click "Inspect URL," you'll see the search terms that led you to the website.


Also included are the following numerical indicators:


  1. Last crawl.
  2. Crawled as
  3. Crawl allowed?
  4. Page Request (if it fails, provides the server error code).
  5. May Indexing Be Permitted?


Additional details on Google's preferred canonical are provided:


  1. Popular vote canonicalization
  2. The Canonical version chosen by Google.


Important diagnostic data about the aforementioned forum site may be found in the Discovery section.


Here we can see a list of the sites that are revealing member profiles to Googlebot.


Having this knowledge allows the publisher to write a PHP statement that will remove all member links when a search engine crawler is crawling the site.


To prevent Google from crawling certain sites, you may add a new entry to the robots.txt file.


Getting rid of this 403 error will allow Googlebot to better index the remainder of your site.


Problems with Googlebot crawling may be identified and fixed using the coverage report in Google Search Console.


Resolving Error 404

A publisher may learn about 404 and 500 series error answers via the coverage report, or they may learn that everything is good.


Whenever a browser or web crawler requests a page that does not exist, the server will respond with a 404 error code.


This is not an indication of a mistake on your part.


A coverage report will display a 404 response if an external site (or an internal link) points to a page that does not exist.


The websites (or sitemaps) that are pointing to the missing page may be seen by clicking on one of the impacted URLs and choosing the Inspect URL tool.


At that point, you may determine whether the link is broken and has to be repaired (in the case of an internal link) or if it should simply be redirected to the appropriate location (in the case of an external link from another website).


It's also possible that the linked-to page never existed in the first place; its creators may have committed a typo.


It's OK to return a 404 status if the requested page no longer exists or was never present.


Profit From All That GSC Has To Offer.

It's Time for the Annual Report on Performance.


You can learn a lot about a site's search performance, including how it does with special search features like highlighted snippets, by looking at the report's top section in Search Console.


The Performance Report allows you to do four distinct kinds of searches:


  1. Web.
  2. Image
  3. Video.
  4. News.


By default, the Search Console will display a web search.


Select a different search mode by selecting the corresponding search type button.


A drop-down menu will appear, giving you the option to choose between the search formats.


The capability to evaluate two different graph-based search strategies side by side is a helpful addition.


At the very top of the Performance Report, you'll see four key metrics:


  1. Total number of clicks
  2. The Sum of the Impression
  3. Normalized Click-Through-Rate (click-through rate).
  4. just about where you'd expect to be.


Total Clicks and Total Impressions are chosen automatically.


You can choose which metrics are shown on the bar chart by clicking on the corresponding tabs inside the chart.



The number of times a page from a website is shown in a search engine's results is called the "impressions" count. An impression occurs when a person sees the URL without having to click it.


Even if a visitor doesn't scroll all the way down to a lower-ranked URL in the search results, the impression will still be recorded.


A high number of impressions is excellent news since it indicates that Google is successfully displaying the site in relevant search results.


However, the clicks and average position metrics provide context for the impressions measure.



The frequency at which consumers actually click through from the search results to the website is measured by the clicks statistic. Gains in both impressions and clicks are desirable.


The ratio of impressions to clicks is lower than ideal, but still acceptable. This might indicate that changes are required to the site in order to attract more visitors.


In conjunction with the average CTR and the average position metrics, the clicks measure gains significance.


Common-Test-Response(CTR) Rate

The average CTR measures how often people actually click through from search engine results to the page.


If you want more people to click through from the search engine results to your site, you need to enhance your click-through rate (CTR).


If the CTR is high, it's a good sign that the site is successful.


Together with the Average Position measure, this statistic takes on new significance.


Always found in the middle

The website's average position in search results is shown.


If you can maintain a mediocre rank in the top ten, that's fantastic.


If your site consistently ranks in the twenties (20-29), you're on pages two and three of Google's search results. Not too awful, I guess. It only implies that more work has to be done on the site before it can crack the top 10.


If the site's average ranking is under 30, it may need substantial changes.


One alternative is that the site has a high ranking for a small number of excellent keywords but a bad ranking for a large number of less desirable keywords.


Either way, a closer read may be in order. A possible sign of a content gap on the site, where some keywords get worse results than others and should need their own landing page.


When taken as a whole, these four measures (Impressions, Clicks, Average CTR, and Average Position) provide a clear picture of the site's health.


The main thing to learn from the performance report is that it serves as a jumping off point for rapidly gaining knowledge of the search performance of a website.


It acts like a mirror, reflecting back the site's success or failure.


Key Elements of a Performance Evaluation

Further down the Performance page, you'll find a section under "Dimensions," which contains several measurements of a site's effectiveness.


Dimensions 1–6


  1. Displays the top search queries together with the quantity of clicks and impressions for each keyword phrase.
  2. It displays the most highly trafficked websites in a certain category (plus clicks and impressions).
  3. The World's Leading Countries (plus clicks and impressions).
  4. Devices: This lists the most popular mobile, desktop, and tablet computers.
  5. Rich Search Results: This demonstrates the many presentation formats in which the site was shown throughout the search process. Clicks and impressions statistics, as well as whether or not Google used Web Light results or video results to show the site, are also included. For particularly sluggish devices, the web serves up "Web Light" results.
  6. All of your clicks and views are broken out by date in the "Dates" section. It is possible to reverse the order of the clicks and impressions.



When viewing the Performance Report, one of its dimensions is the Queries, where the keywords are also presented (as noted above). You can see which search terms brought in the most visitors by looking at the "queries" report.


The queries that perform poorly are of special importance.


Long-tail traffic describes the relatively small volumes of activity generated by uncommon search terms.


Some, however, are inquiries that lead to sites that may be in need of development, such as the addition of internal links or the realization that the term in question merits its own page.


It's always a good idea to take a look at the underperforming keywords, as there's a chance that fixing a particular problem with one of them can lead to a substantial uptick in traffic.



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