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What does the term "cryptocurrency" really mean? A guide to the fundamentals of digital currency

  Introduction to Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency, or simply cryptocurrency, is a kind of digital money meant to function like traditional currencies. It employs cryptography for transaction verification and security and to regulate the issuance of a digital currency's units. Blockchain technology is the basis of many digital currencies. It is a distributed ledger that is kept track of by a decentralized network of computers.Cryptocurrencies differ from "fiat" currencies like the U.S. dollar or the British pound in that they are decentralized and not issued by any central bank or...
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How does cryptocurrency work, and why is it necessary

Cryptocurrency: What It Is and How It Works Cryptocurrency, sometimes called crypto-currency, is a kind of digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography to increase financial security. Cryptocurrencies do away with the requirement for a centralized issuing or regulating organization by using a decentralized process to record transactions and issue new units.   What exactly does the term "cryptocurrency" refer to? Bitcoin is a digital currency without a central bank or single point of control. Anybody anywhere in the world is welcome to use this decentralized payment...
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